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Certified nurse-midwives are medical professionals dedicated to pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Midwives prioritize personalized care and natural birth. What do Midwives do? Midwives physically deliver babies alongside providing emotional care for the pregnancy journey. They are there for the full experience—every trimester, labor and delivery, and post-partum. What is the...
Until recently, the laboring patient was the poor stepchild of modern medicine. Pain relief during birth was inadequate, due to concerns of overdosing the fetus through intravenous medication, and depressing the newborn’s breathing. Birthing classes strove to teach coping mechanisms, which had some success in the highly-focused patient. How can...
The ability to bear children has riveted the attention of mankind, ancient and modern. A vast body of mythology and folklore has arisen from this prima concern. Enormous advances within the last two decades have demystified the puzzle of infertility, and have enabled greater numbers of couples to enter into...
What is Acessa?™ Dr. Bruce Lee, creator of the Acessa procedure, explains that the new surgical option involves creating just two small incisions in the abdomen, inserting a needle into the tumor and using radiofrequency energy to destroy it while leaving the uterus intact. The tumor is then reabsorbed into...
How do I know if I have fibroids? Uterine fibroids make their presence known most commonly by pelvic pain and/or heavy menstrual bleeding. Fibroids are usually detected in patient’s 30’s or 40’s, when the growth of the benign tumors has reached a stage where pressure upon adjacent organs may be...
Uterine fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, as well as significant pain, pelvic pressure, and pain during sexual intercourse. Fibroids are often responsible for infertility. Pelvic ultrasonography is the most effective mode of diagnosis. We will consider surgical treatment options for patients who do not wish to retain their fertility....
Expecting? Protect yourself and your baby against flu and whooping cough! You may not realize it, but changes to your body during pregnancy put you and your baby at risk for serious complications from flu or whooping cough. Gettingf lu and whooping cough shots while you are pregnant can help...
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Below are some tips to dealing with pregnancy changes, as well as our advice to you, our patient! Our office is devoted to providing the very highest quality prenatal care for you. This is best achieved as a cooperative effort between you and us and the...
We are very pleased to have Sally McNally join Roseann tibbs and Denise Ellison, in our midwifery department. Sally's wordwide experience, in Europe, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. is vast, and matches her enthusiasm for helping women deliver safely. Sally is also a Yoga Instructor, and uses this understanding of...
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Our office is devoted to providing the very highest quality personal care for you. This is best achieved as a cooperative effort between you and us and the following information may help us achieve our common goal. In this private practice, we desire to know each...
I am very proud of my association with Dr. Bruce Lee, Inventor of the Acessa procedure. This is a ground-breaking outpatient surgical procedure that destroys uterine fibroids, without cutting. Since 2014, Dr. Lee and I have helped many women suffering from fibroids in the U.S., as well as around the...
When you need your doctor for an emergency, be it days, nights, or weekends, there is comfort in being cared for by the doctor who knows you, and has your history in mind. Whether it be for delivering your baby, or responding to a gynecologic emergency, Dr. D has...
"My wife and I started a long journey after my wife was diagnosed with fibroids. We were trying to conceive, and my wife was told by her previous OB/GYN that she needed a myomectomy to prevent the fibroids from having birth complications. I knew that technology and medicine has seen...
What is Uterine Artery Embolization? This is considered more a Radiologic Intervention. It entails threading a blood vessel catheter up through the major vessel in the groin, and location the artery that supplies each side of the uterus. Then, small particles are injected, to stanch the blood flow to these...